Sunday, September 19, 2010

3 Day Potty Training Begins...

After months of Hazel not really progressing in potty training, we decided to try the 3 day potty BOOT CAMP! After making a sticker chart, stocking up on panties, treats, and stickers, we began our first day... We stayed home all day, and she wore panties for the first time. (about 20 pairs that is!) The first day was pretty stressful, and didn't go very well, but I am praying that tomorrow improves. After a day of many accidents, whatever is supposed to click in her brain, hasn't yet!

Last week we tried to get her excited about wearing panties, so we talked about it each time we changed her diaper. She was so funny and said she wanting to wear Yo Gabba Gabba panties. She repeated this to us throughout the week. The funny thing is, she hardly ever watches that show and I am not sure how she even knew that they made Yo Gabba Gabba panties! Lo and behold, we found them at Target, thank goodness I got the last pack!

Even though this is a very challenging and frustrating time as parents, Hazel is the best 27 month old we could ask for!


erin said...

We did the same 3-day thing with Cara! It was frustrating the first 2 days, and I began to doubt why I even tried it, but alas, the 3rd day and after we saw great improvements and now she is doing great, even telling us sometimes when she has to go with very few accidents! Hang in there! love the pics, she is adorable! And happy belated birthday too! :)