Tuesday, July 5, 2011

VBS and the Beach!

Hazel got to attend her fist VBS last week (June 27-30th) at The Church At Alden Bridge, a small church very close to our house. I was so impressed that she let me drop her off at a church that she had never been to, with people she did not know! The volunteers were so loving and welcoming! I am thankful that she had a great experience and learned more about Jesus in such a loving and fun environment. It was great to be able to have the mornings free to run errands and get things checked off my To Do list before baby Eli arrives.

2-4 year old class dressed in their Christmas attire-they learned about Christ's birth that day.

She missed the last day of VBS on Friday, so she and Jesse could leave for their first daddy and daughter trip to the beach! They were both very excited to join his whole family in Port Aransas for the 4th of July weekend. I was sad that I didn't get to go, but my doctor didn't feel comfortable letting me go out of town at 36 weeks pregnant. And, with the terrible state of my legs, I was happy to be home resting and not wearing a bathing suit all weekend!

While at the beach, Hazel had a blast playing in the sand and waves, swimming in the pool, going crabbing, fishing and to the Texas State Aquarium. Last year she was a little too young to bravely play in the water, but Jesse said this year she was so cute playing at the beach and was pretty daring. I am so glad they had the chance to bond and spend quality time together with the family! I was proud at how well Hazel and Jesse did on their first trip together, I am thankful that Jesse is such a dedicated and hands on daddy!


Wendi said...

How fun!! She is getting so big. :)