Monday, February 6, 2012

Eli is 6 months old!

My beautiful boy!
Sweet playmates!

Our little man turned 6 months old yesterday! He is starting to roll over, but he's not moving around very much yet. He had an eye infection and clogged tear duct that is finally cleared up, after giving him prescription eye drops. Yeah! He is not sleeping though the night, even though we started sleep training around 5 mo. He seemed to be sleeping well and then regressed the past few weeks. (He did sleep 12 hours 3 times now) This momma is tired, and hopes he starts sleeping through the night soon! I can't really complain, he is such a good baby and I feel so blessed to have a happy, healthy baby!

He had his 6 mo. appointment today and here are his stats-
Height- 26.5 inches (54%)
Weight- 17 pounds (33 %)

Eli is not growing as quickly now, considering at his 4 mo. appointment he was in the 64% for weight.
Fun with grandma!

Eli enjoying sweet potatoes at 5 months. He loves to eat and enjoys everything we've tried so far!


Kathy said...

I can't believe how big Hazel and Eli are!!! Love your blog =)