Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend in Austin

We had a great visit this weekend in Round Rock with our old friends, Jen and Tim and their 3 sweet kids! We hadn't seen them in 2 years, but it was just like old times!

I also got to do a photo shoot on Sunday for a friend, Candy who started a business called Covillow. She is making unique breastfeeding covers for mothers. It was very fun to get my makeup done, and participate in the photo shoot with 3 other sweet friends whom I hadn't seen in years as well. I will be excited to see the web-sight when it is complete!
Evan, Grace and baby Will with Hazel
We decided to do the inevitable and take away Hazel's paci last week! We wrapped her last pacifier and gave it to our friends newborn, Kate. Hazel was excited to give her paci to another baby and then got to pick out a new toy at Target. She chose the Tangled Barbie.
She never even asked for her paci again, but cried the first few days when going to bed. She has always been a great napper, taking 2-3 hour naps, but hasn't taken a nap in 4 days! Luckily, she will still play in her bed during nap time, thank goodness:) We may have gained a big girl and lost our napper!


Melissa said...

Hazel looks adorable in the zebra dress. Sounds like a fun weekend!

Elizabeth said...

Hazel is so cute! I am dreading the day we have to take away the pacifier- right now we couldn't live without it!