Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Eli is 18 months old!

February 2013
Eli is the cutest, silliest and happiest little 18 month old...but can also be quite a hand full and very clingy with his mommy. We love playing with him and he keeps us laughing with his silly personality!

 He loves his truck and Elmo books, baths, playing rough and chase with daddy, and making messes by dumping out toys, getting into cabinets and climbing on furniture. He now really likes his paci ("pa pa") and wants it during the day, whereas a few months ago he only had it at nap and bedtime. He weighs 27 pounds and is about 33 inches tall.

 He still amazes us by his huge appetite and is such a great eater. He loves to carry the whole bag or box of something and grab his own snack, instead of me handing him a snack. I learned my lesson recently... he dumped part of a bag of pretzels and cheerios on the floor!

 Hazie and Eli are such good playmates and love each other, even when he pulls her hair or hits her:)
                                                       Little friends...Marcel and Eli

 One of my favorite things...after his nap or before bed he lays his head on my shoulder and tucks his arms under his belly. 

Hazel (age 4 1/2) reading to Eli

 I get sad when I think of how Eli is our last baby and how his big sister, Hazel will be in kindergarden next year!! I soak up all of these precious moments!