Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day!

I feel so blessed and thankful for the gift of our sweet children, Hazel and Eli! Even though it can be the hardest and most tiring job...being a mom to our two precious kids makes my heart so happy and full!!
Ashlei and I treated ourselves with pedicures on Saturday, Jesse gave me flowers and a cool mirror for our bedroom, and the kids made me darling Mother's Day cards! Sunday we went to church, and I served in Jungle Jam. Grandee and grandad also came over for dinner.

I almost cried when I read Hazel's cards and her sweet words about me. She was very excited leading up to Mother's Day, and couldn't wait to give me the thoughtful cards she made me at school.

Our sweet mom!

I am very thankful we live close to our mom and can share special days with her. We are blessed!!